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Mobile Marketing is a Game-changer.

Consumers no longer wait on anything.

For consumers and marketers alike, mobile has forced a rewriting of the rules. Consumers have become more empowered than ever to get what they want, when they want it.

Waiting has become a thing of the past. That translates into today's pervasive micro-moment behavior—immediately turning to a device to know, go, do, and buy. To capitalize on that behavior and win over consumers, marketers have been forced to rewrite the rule book. You must double down on addressing the needs of consumers in the moment, committing to being there and being useful each and every time you can help advance the journey. In short, marketers have had to start being a lot more assistive.

We're heading toward an age of assistance where, for marketers, friction will mean failure

In this new age, it won't be enough just to be present across more micro-moments. We’ll all be expected to stay a step ahead of consumers—to know their needs even better than they do.

Successful marketers will have a much deeper understanding of their customers at every encounter. They'll focus on acquiring a detailed, data-driven view to really know them and help them along their individual journeys. That’s the assistive mindset that will be required to win.


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